DV Details the Importance of a Two-Way Brand Suitability Conversation at AdMonsters Ops

The DV Publisher Team was on the scene and on the stage at this year’s AdMonsters Ops! During the two-day event, we took in stirring keynotes, thoughtful group sessions, and peer-led workshops that explored everything from data privacy to the CTV sphere. The highly relevant programming and the wide range of participating industry leaders made the dialogue at Ops a valuable one to contribute to.

Our SVP of Publisher Product, Andrew Smith, did just that when he took the main stage on DV’s behalf and led a session on how publishers can help clients align their brand suitability strategy with their values-based marketing goals. He also laid out the importance of a nuanced brand suitability approach and the positive impact publishers can have when they’re able to collaborate with advertisers, and find their voice on a historically buyer-centered issue. With audiences becoming more focused than ever before on efficiency and company values, better alignment between buyers and sellers equals improved campaign results for both.

We’re grateful to the AdMonsters team for yet another successful Ops, and we’re already looking forward to the next event. If you were at the event and missed us, or you’d like to learn more about what DV Publisher Suite can do to help publishers increase efficiency, transparency and yield, reach out today to request a demo!