DV Publisher Suite Wins Best Publisher Platform at the Digiday Media Awards

DoubleVerify is proud to announce that DV Publisher Suite has been named Best Publisher Platform at the 2022 Digiday Media Awards. Announced on June 30, the awards centered on themes of innovation, audience insights, growth and community in the advertising industry. Entries highlighted the need to solve significant advertising industry problems, such as the difficulty of collaborating with disparate tools and working in channel-based silos.

DV Publisher Suite, launched by DoubleVerify in 2022, is an enterprise-level software solution that provides holistic measurement, insights and tools that publishers need to improve ad delivery, inventory quality and yield. DV Publisher Suite allows teams to spend less time organizing data and more time finding revenue-generating opportunities in both direct and programmatic environments.

View the full list of winners here where you can also download the complete guide to learn more about the other awards and the selection process. We’d like to thank Digiday for considering us, and congratulations to all of the winners!

For more information on how DV Publisher Suite helps teams streamline their advertising operations and increase revenue, request a demo today!