New! Target Ads in Privacy-Safe Way with Custom Contextual for DV Publisher Suite

The impending retirement of third-party cookies and the associated complexities related to behavioral targeting have led to renewed industry interest in contextual advertising. This shift is echoed by publisher audiences who increasingly value privacy and contextual relevance. According to a 2020 DoubleVerify survey, 69% of consumers indicated a willingness to view ads that were relevant to the content they were viewing.

Contextual presents an opportunity for both publishers and advertisers in a post-cookie world. DV is bringing the same methodology and precision that powers our industry-leading brand suitability data and insights to our contextual solutions. DV’s new offering delivers high-impact, contextual segments that enable publishers to positively target relevant ads to readers and meet advertiser objectives without relying on third-party cookies. These segments move beyond existing marketplace solutions that rely heavily on keyword-based analysis.

Introducing Custom Contextual for DV Publisher Suite

DV Custom Contextual uses an ontological approach to classify content into over 200,000 concepts that takes a page’s full context into account. DV Publisher Suite (DVPS) utilizes DV’s contextual toolkit with over 400 signals to empower publishers to positively target ads and increase premium placements they can offer to buyers.

Maximize the Impact of Your Premium Content

As the industry turns away from third-party cookies, contextual targeting helps publishers sell more premium inventory with fewer privacy concerns. DV Custom Contextual maximizes relevance by utilizing accurate classifications trusted by both advertisers and publishers. This solution helps publishers:

  • Increase CPMs by selling additional segments of inventory as premium placements rather than “Run of Site” through high-performance content adjacency.
  • Reduce data costs by limiting dependence on third-party data for audience or behavioral targeting via DMPs.
  • Achieve scale by targeting based on effective signals designed to give publishers granular coverage of niche segments of traffic that buyers are looking to reach.
  • Improve team efficiency by streamlining targeting based on consistent, highly accurate and automated article tagging.

Get Granular Coverage with 400+ Contextual Categories

In addition to IAB Tier 1 & Tier 2 contextual categories, DVPS is implementing seasonal and in-market categories to DV Custom Contextual, adding over 400 additional signals for publishers. These signals will empower DVPS users to positively target ads and increase the premium placements they can offer to advertisers.

Seasonal Categories

Buying behavior is often influenced by holidays and events when consumers are more likely to make certain purchases. With pre-curated seasonal categories, advertisers can reach consumers in the right context and at the right time. DV’s Semantic Science team captures all of the content around an event, allowing publishers to target relevant audiences.

In-Market Categories for Purchase Intenders

Specific types of content appeal more to consumers that are preparing to make a purchase, such as product reviews or deal sites. With DV Custom Contextual, publishers can deliver ads specifically to these audiences, improving ad performance by reaching those most ready to make a purchase.

An example of this is DV’s “In-Market Auto & Vehicles” category, which specifically focuses on content that signifies the intent to purchase a vehicle. This category can potentially improve outcomes when compared with the standard IAB category for “Automotive” due to the latter’s broader focus.

This feature is a part of the Quality Targeting add-on for premium publishers and is available today. Users that have already activated Quality Targeting will not need to make any integration-related changes to activate these signals.

Request a demo today to learn more about how DV is improving contextual targeting for publishers.