New! Universal Ad Server Support for DV Publisher Suite

Ad servers are the primary hub for advertising data that publisher teams analyze to understand their business. Pulling this data into DV Publisher Suite and deploying quality measurement across all of your inventory will enable teams to gain a holistic understanding of quality and performance.

DV Publisher Suite’s Inventory Quality can now integrate any ad server to measure and optimize your inventory. This includes custom ad servers, alternative ad server software and internally developed proprietary solutions. Support includes both display and video measurement in Inventory Quality and Quality Targeting, expanding on the ad server connections already available in Unified Analytics and Campaign Delivery.

Get Comprehensive Inventory Measurement

Every publisher is different, and many choose to build and maintain their own ad servers based on their specific needs. DV is committed to providing flexible solutions for publishers and we are excited to extend our ad server support within DVPS.

Universal ad server support joins our standard support for Google Ad Manager (GAM), FreeWheel and Xandr. With this update, any publisher can measure their inventory in DVPS, regardless of the ad server they choose to use. This includes the following features and functionality:

  • Import custom ad server measurement data from Inventory Quality into Unified Analytics
  • Measure display and video creatives served by custom ad servers in DVPS
  • Add metadata for unique reporting and creative tagging needs using custom ad servers
  • Utilize custom macros to better understand inventory data from custom ad servers

Inventory management and ad operations are unique across teams, which is why the DV Publisher Team is working to build the most comprehensive insights and automation platform for publishers. Contact us about how we can help your team with future updates, or request a demo to learn more about our offerings.