Programmatic I/O Descends Upon New York

Programmatic I/O, the largest programmatic conference in the industry, took place earlier this month in New York and we were excited to be there as a sponsor. With all of the changes to the digital advertising landscape and advances in platforms and technology this year, there was a lot of energetic debate about the best strategies for tackling the future. Conversations covered a wide range of topics, from selling big data to client service, and from TV to a cookie-less future.

We heard a great talk from Jennifer Mormile of Conde Nast about the importance of including data as part of a media package to advertisers as well as some interesting approaches they’ve used to pitch data to help win new customers and ensure campaign success. I think we’re all aware of the additional value a company can derive internally from a data-driven culture, but seeing how external value can also be realized was a real eye-opener (of course, this all starts with a solid understanding of your own performance data, which a platform like ProgrammaticIQ can accomplish).

As part of the fallout around transparency in agency relationships, many publishers’ clients, a.k.a. advertisers, have moved activities in-house. Len Bilello of Consequence Media and Joe Fitzpatrick of USA Today covered how best to serve these clients. Publishers need to know there may be different campaign goals and measurement tactics but that publishers also have a lot of technical and creative knowledge that can really be of use to advertisers. And with the wealth of first-party data publishers have available, publishers have a unique opportunity to develop strong and trusted relationships with advertisers without a middleman in the way.

No surprise, data continues to play a big part of any solution or opportunity for publishers. Step one is to understand your current performance and establish a reliable reporting process. Step two is to leverage that data to drive better results for clients and grow revenue. Missed us at the show but want to discuss your data and reporting strategy? Send us a note here ›