New Smart Connection™ Added: Google AdSense

Make sense of your AdSense data through a ProgrammaticIQ Smart Connection™. Used by almost 2 million publishers, AdSense also gives you access to millions of advertisers while allowing you to show only quality ads that are safe and appropriate for your audience. And with responsive ad units, you can create a great user experience and continue to earn revenue when people view your content on any screen. When you connect your AdSense data to ProgrammaticIQ, you’ll have all the tools to dive into your performance metrics and make the right tweaks across all your channels to increase profits.
About Smart Connections™

Smart Connections™ are the intelligent way to connect to any data source. Built with over a decade of media-data experience, these new connections automatically map fields across vendors and work around data limits to quickly aggregate all of your data sets. No more digging through API documentation or hunting for login info for all demand partners. Smart Connections™ provide connection status reports and normalize fields like Advertiser, Country, and Buyer, saving you countless hours of data prep. Rapid setup makes connections live with just a few clicks—report and visualize your data as soon as the connection is established.

Interested in seeing just how Smart Connections™ connect, ingest, and aggregate all of your data? Request a personalized demo here  ›

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