Seeing Ad Viewability - and Ad-Juster AdMonsters OPS 2015 Session

During AdMonsters OPS NY  event we had the opportunity to interview Amanda Rosenberg, Data and Insight Analyst at Ad-Juster and Weather have been partnering for more than 5 years to provide cutting edge delivery aggregation reports. Now that premium publishers are selling inventory with in-view thresholds, Weather shared their insights on best practices of how to bring a new skill-set of optimizing in-views and scaling their ops team.  Amanda's insights include having an open dialog with Ad-Juster to insert business rules into a customized report.

If you did not get a chance to attend the session at OPS NY below is the transcript.

What % of your campaigns (today) monitor viewability?

  • 10% (that we know of!)

How many viewability vendors are you using today, and how do you expect that will change over the next 6 months?

  • Currently using 4, expected to double.

How do you get ahead of monitoring and understanding your inventory from a 'viewable' perspective?

  • First understand internal numbers by ad product.
  • Incorporate internal numbers into existing reporting. Want our team to see the viewability data alongside pacing reports they were already using.

How are you managing measurement discrepancies among  your customers when delivering impressions with an in-view requirement?

  • First, manually on an as needed basis.
  • Begin to train Ad Ops to monitor discrepancy was important to standardize before training.
  • Engage with Ad-Juster on how we can standardize monitoring discrepancy explore what data vendors are able to give to Ad-Juster to incorporate.

How do you incorporate and monitor the customers business rules for your team's visibility?

  • Gather some information on what was requested from clients.
  • Create an ad-hoc viewability task force to research billing options and define scenarios, find ones with operational efficiency.
  • Train ad ops and sales on defined scenarios.
    Create reporting to show viewable impressions, pacing, and overbooking needed by scenario.

How are you buffering for in-view shortfalls in order to bill in full?  Do you suspect your buffers are over conservative and wasting a significant % of impressions?

  • Start with standardized overbooking %, based on our viewability averages. You may not need to overbook depending on type of billing.
  • Calculate actual discrepancy within 2 days of going live and update overbooking.
  • Due to the manual nature of calculating overbooking, we started to create a report where pacing and overbooking could be automatically calculated.
  • Yield team is concerned with waste on overbooking- so they have access to reporting to monitor overages.

How does Weather plan to monitor their campaigns to optimize their execution?

  • Campaign Managers fill out automated reports at regular cadence so they can act on issues as quickly as possible.

What next steps would you recommend to the audience to take today in order to take control of the new viewability world?

  • Understand your site’s viewability and structure business rules so your team has the framework to monitor the campaigns.
  • Standardize reporting to make process as automated as possible.
  • Train your team on how to use reporting to manage discrepancy, pacing and overbooking.

I would like to thank Amanda Rosenberg and Kevin Smith from for your support and sharing your wisdom with the Ad Ops community. -Dan Lawton, VP of Sales and BD

If you are a current Ad-Juster client, our Client Relationship team would be happy to get you set up with your own custom viewability report. Please contact to get on the path to building viewability efficiency and scale into your Ad Ops team.