DV Publisher Suite Launches Authentic Direct™ Beta, Enabling Massive Reduction in Brand Suitability Violations For Clients

The DV Publisher Team is proud to announce a new era of direct advertising campaign automation with the launch of the Authentic Direct™ beta program this week. The beta version of Authentic Direct comes after successful alpha test results in which publishers experienced as much as a 99% reduction in brand suitability violations.  

At launch, DV Publisher Suite clients will be able to proactively automate ad delivery based on advertiser brand suitability settings, increasing efficiency and reducing violations that negatively impact campaign effectiveness and buyer trust. Launching formally early next year, Authentic Direct enables brands and publishers to expand their direct advertising business without compromising on brand suitability or performance.

Contrary to programmatic environments, direct campaigns require constant back and forth between publishers and advertisers to ensure success. Brand safety and suitability is consistently raised as a top pain point between advertisers and publishers, negatively impacting relationships and driving down effectiveness of direct advertising.

With the right tools, publishers can automatically optimize for these requirements without the need for issuing make-goods or lengthy manual optimizations. For advertisers, Authentic Direct provides an efficient way to ensure brand suitable ad placements pre-impression, similar to the media control they gain from programmatic advertising.

How can I sign up for the beta program?

DV Publisher Suite users can learn more and sign up for the Authentic Direct beta by reaching out to their Client Development Manager. Not yet using DV Publisher Suite? Publishers can request a demo to learn more about how DV is helping teams improve direct advertising efficiency and automation.

Stay tuned for additional information about Authentic Direct and DV’s efforts to build trust and alignment between buyers and sellers early next year.