DV Publisher Insights

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New! Advanced Permissions & Sharing

Publisher teams know that the ability to effectively collaborate is an important factor in building an efficient workflow. We’re excited to announce advanced permissions and sharing for improved flexibility managing and collaborating with your team in ProgrammaticIQ. To give you more control of what ...

Publisher’s Guide to Data Maturity

The digital advertising industry is in the midst of a data revolution. As companies have shifted toward data-driven decision making, data granularity has become the primary momentum behind the evolution of a data-driven digital marketplace. It is now necessary to handle a tremendous amount of ...

4 Characteristics of a Data-Driven Culture

Data is growing faster than teams can adapt, and though we all want to be data-driven, it’s extremely tough to make the sweeping culture change needed to support a data-driven identity. Making the change requires learning new skills, a heavy investment in internal infrastructure, ...

Types of Header Bidding: Expectations vs. Reality

Header bidding as a subject matter has always prompted question marks. Though the technology has been around for almost five years, the industry, including publishers, buy-side, sell-side, webmasters, and others are still keen to learn more about it. In our last webinar with Stuart Moncada, ...

Llamas in Santa Monica: AdMonsters' 50th Publisher Forum

Ad-Juster had the pleasure of sponsoring AdMonsters’ 50th Publisher Forum [https://www.admonsters.com/events/2020-santa-monica-publisher-forum/] in Santa Monica this month! We are grateful to have had this opportunity before events started cancelling through the spring. Ad-Juster Senior Client Development Managers, Iris Portillo and Warren ...

Log-Level Data 101 for Publishers

Is log-level data the new gold rush? Very possibly. As the digital advertising industry continues to advocate for transparency, publishers are pushing partners for more granular data so they can peel back the layers and verify what’s going on under the hood. In theory, ...

Bonzai: New FlowIQ Connection

We've added support for Bonzai: Make your digital advertising smarter, faster, and better with Bonzai, the programmatic creative management platform. When you connect Bonzai with FlowIQ, you unlock the power of near-real-time performance measurement and campaign optimization. Bonzai’s self-serve platform allows publishers ...